No. 2, 2003



Main page

In Russian

The integration problems

Geological Education in Kamchatka: The Present-Day State, Prospects, Problems and Ways for their Decision
N.I. Seliverstov

art1.pdf (62 KB)

The computer center of the Institute of Volcanology – as integration link for the KSC FED RAS (History, problems and main results)
V.A. Kazantsev
art2.pdf (89 KB)
Present-Day Problems

Manifestation of the intraplate-like volcanism in the arc system: implications for studying deep processes of geodynamics (by the example of Kamchatka)
A.V. Koloskov Annotation

art3.pdf (671 KB)

Petrology of the nickel-bearing basic rocks of the Shanuch ore field
O.B. Selyangin Annotation
art4.pdf (1.9 MB)
Results of the Scientific Researches
Khodutkinskie thermal springs
E.A.Vakin Annotation

art5.pdf (610 KB)

Demantoid mineralization in the Koryak-Kamchatka region
V.L. Semenov, L.P. Anikin, E.G. Sidorov, V.A. Rashidov Annotation

art6.pdf (834 KB)
On probable submarine volcanic activity in the Chernye Bratia Islands area
V.I. Bondarenko, V.A. Rashidov
art7.pdf (1.09 MB)
Electromagnetic Control Sources for the Eathquake Prediction
I.A. Fedorchenko Annotation
art8.pdf (258 KB)
Experience of using the telemetric sea level gauges in the tsunami warning system
P.V. Dushchenko, T.N. Ivelskaya, G.V. Shevchenko Annotation
art9.pdf (285 KB)
Physical and chemical characteristics of colloidal silica in the hydrothermal solution
Potapov V.V., Serdan A.A. Annotation
art10.pdf (275 KB)
Crater lakes of Mutnovsky volcano, Kamchatka
G.M. Gavrilenko, P.G. Gavrilenko Annotation
art11.pdf (199 KB)
The Students’ Works

The comparative characteristics of Ita-Maytay and IOAN gayots (Magellan’s heaps)
D.R. Akmanova Annotation

art12.pdf (956 KB)

Temperature features of the Dachnaya area at the Mutnovsky geothermal field
М.A. Nazarova Annotation
art13.pdf (386 KB)
Students behavior during the field practices
O.V. Sobolevskaya Annotation
art14.pdf (108 KB)
Expeditions, Field Seminars and Practice

Geologic-Geographical Survey of the Central Kamchatka
S.Yu. Elisejev

art15.pdf (56 KB)

International Youth Field Seminar “Naturalist-2”
art16.pdf (134 KB)
Conferences, Workshops, Seminars

XXIII General Assembly of the International Geodesy and Geophysics Union
A. Yu. Ozerov

art17.pdf (52 KB)

II Russian Simposium on Volcanology and Paleovolcanology
art18.pdf (53 KB)
The Third International Workshop on the 455 Project of the International Geologica Correlation Program (IGCP)
V.V. Ponomareva
art19.pdf (95 KB)
Yearly Scientific Conference dedicated to the Volcanologist Day (April 1-2, 2003)
A.A. Razina, V.A. Rashidov
art20.pdf (47 KB)
International Workshop “Monitoring of the Volcanic Activity in the Kurile-Kamchatka Region: Past, Present and Future”
O.A. Girina
art21.pdf (103 KB)
Rules for the authors  instr.pdf (120 KB)
© Камчатская региональная ассоциация "Учебно-научный центр", 2003 г.

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