Dushchenko1, T.N. Ivelskaya1,
Center of Sakhalin territorial administration for hydrometeorology
and monitoring of natural environment,
78 Zapadnaya street Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk,
2Institute of marine geology & geophysics
RAS, Nauki street Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk,
was analyzed the use of the telemetric complexes “Handar” intended
for measurement of a sea level fluctuations and real
time transfer of the gotten information to a tsunami warning
service center computer in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk where reception,
visualization and the analysis of the received data are realized.
For the station located in Severo-Kurilsk situations in typical weather and with
increase of long-wave processes energy during the cyclone passage were analyzed.
Spectra of the obtained records were compared to spectral characteristics of
the tsunamis, registered in the given point earlier. The numerical modeling of
long waves propagation in investigated area was executed for interpretation of
the obtained results.
The information received from Ust-Kamchatsk finds out significant reduction of
tidal amplitude in contrast with earlier observation in the given point. Weak
propagation of tidal waves to the location of the sea level gauge specifies its
uselessness for registration of waves of a tsunami and necessity of the equipment
carrying to more suitable place.