Manifestation intraplatelike volcanism in the arc system:
implications for Research depth processes of geodynamics (for example Kamchatka)

A.V. Koloskov

State Institute of Volcanic Geology and Geochemistry Far Eastern Division, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683006. Piip boul.9

Geochemical and isotopic features coexisting arc-related and intraplatelike types of volcanite’s in different regions of Kamchatka were studied. These materials have been compared with data on basalts, which have differ deeps origin. The comparison suggest that the arc-related basalts peculiarities (Ta-Nb minimum and K and Sr maximums) are appeared et the depth level of spinel lherzolite – ol-pl peridotites transition. It is assumed that both arc-related and intraplatelike volcanic rocks were derived from single evolving mantle source.
