No. 3, 2004



Main page

In Russian

The integration problems

On the joint meeting of the council of restors (president) of the
far east high schools and the presidium of RAS far east branc

E. B. Vesna

art1.pdf (92 KB)

Present-Day Problems
hydrospheric processes and the Quaternary Volcanism
N. I. Seliverstov
art2.pdf (508 KB)

Seismic active tectonic structures of the Kamchatkan subduction zone
G. P. Avdeiko, A. A. Palueva, S. V. Lepintch Annotation

art3.pdf (682 KB)

Results of the Scientific Researches
Parameters of kamchatkan seismicity in 2003
V. A. Saltykov, N. M. Kravchenko Annotation
art4.pdf (739 KB)
Experimental Studies of Hydro-Acoustic Emission Anomalies,
Corresponding to the Early Stage of Seismic Enents Development

I. A. Larionov, B. M. Shevtsov, A. V. Kuptsov Annotation
art5.pdf (243 KB)
The Estimation of Parameters of Coseismic Response of Spring
P. V. Voropaev Annotation
art6.pdf (172 KB)
Reconstruction of plant recovery after catastrophic eruption
Kuril Lake- Ilinskaya 7700
14C yrs BP in South Kamchatka
V. G. Dirksen, O. V. Dirksen Annotation
art7.pdf (756 KB)

Features of a technique of study of mineral structure Ferro-
manganese nodule of Ocean

E. G. Ozhogina, V. T. Dubinchuk, V. I. Kuzmin, A. A. Rogozhin Annotation

art8.pdf (155 KB)


The Students’ Works
One-dimensional velocity models of the Kamchatka
Z. A. Nazarova Annotation
art9.pdf (421 KB)
Preliminary results of research of a material of beach
adjournment Nikolskaya Sopka for a possible establishment
of gold, platinum and diamond

A. V. Bologov, T. I. Gagarinova, D. E. Podolsky, A. N. Rogozin Annotation
art10.pdf (132 KB)

The pumice bombs of eruption 1996 in Academia Nauk caldera
(the Karymsky volcanic center): structural features and
chemical structure

I. V. Sobolevskaya Annotation

art11.pdf (190 KB)


Rules for the authors

instr.pdf (120 KB)

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