10th Biennial Workshop on Japan-Kamchatka-Alaska Subduction Processes (JKASP-2018)
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia, August 20th-26th, 2018 Russian
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Author(s). 2018. Title. In: 10th Biennual workshop on Japan-Kamchatka-Alaska subduction processes (JKASP-2018). Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia, August 20-26. P. X-X. http://www.kscnet.ru/ivs/conferences/jkasp2018/pdf/file_name.pdf
The VolSatView information system for monitoring and study Kamchatkan and Northern Kuriles volcanoes Girina O.A., Loupian E.A., Efremov V.Yu., Melnikov D.V., Manevich A.G., Sorokin A.A., Kramareva L.S., Uvarov I.A., Kashnitskiy A.V., Bourtsev M.A., Marchenkov V.V., Mazurov A.A., Malkovsky S.I., Romanova I.M., Korolev S.P.
Recent strong earthquakes and system of seismic observations in Kamchatka Chebrov D.V., Kugaenko Yu.A., Abubakirov I.R., Voropaev P.V., Gusev A. A., Droznin D.V., Droznina S.Ya., Ivanova E. I., Kravchenko N.M., Lander A.V., Matveenko E.A., Mitushkina S.V., Ototuk D.A., Pavlov V.M., Raevskaya A.A., Saltykov V.A., Senyukov S.L., Serafimova Yu.K., Titkov N.N.
The July 17, 2017 Mw7.8 Earthquake in the Bering Fracture Zone: Dynamics of Foreshock-Aftershock Process Saltykov V., Kugaenko Yu., Voropaev P., Kravchenko N.
Magma and Etreme Geothermal: Венера на Земле Eichelberger John, Kiryukhin A.V., Charles R. Carrigan, Yan Lavalee, Randy Normann, Jefferson William Tester, Izbekov Pavel
Propagation velocities, viscosity, and internal structure of lava flows of the 2012-2013 eruption of Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka Belousov A., Belousova M.
Peculiarities of the activity of Klyuchevskoy and Shiveluch volcanoes in 2000-2017 in connection with the seismic activity of Kamchatka region Senyukov S.L., Shapiro N.M., Droznina S.Ya., Droznin D.V., Nuzhdina I.N., Garbuzova V.T., Kozhevnikova T.Yu., Nazarova Z.A., Sobolevskaya O.V., Bliznetov V.E.
Clinopyroxene composition and melt inclusion constrains on the magma mixing and formation of the Menshiy Brat volcano magnesian basalts Nizametdinov I.R., Kuzmin D.V., Smirnov S.Z., Timina T.Yu.
Mineralogy and melt inclusion constrains on pre-eruption crystallization history of dacites of the Lvinaya Past caldera eruptions (Iturup Island, Kuril Island arc) Maksimovich I.A., Smirnov S.Z., Kotov A.A., Timina T.Yu.
The behavior of volatile components (S, F, Cl) in dacitic magma of a large caldera eruption of the Vetrovoy Isthmus (Southern Kuriles) according to the results of the study of apatites Kotov A.A., Smirnov S.Z., Maksimovich I.A., Timina T.Yu.
Inverse problem for the volcanic eruption source parameters in the case of extremely small grain-size data sets: a case study of explosion events at Kizimen and Bezymianny volcanoes, Kamchatka Moiseenko K.B., Malik N.A.
Spectral characteristics of the seismic signals used for ADAP (Automatic Detection of Ash Plume) program Bliznetsov V.E., Senyukov S.L., Sobolevskaya O.V.
Macroseismic manifestation of strong deep-focus earthquakes in the subduction zone of the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean Boginskaya N., Sevenova E.
Convergence velocity between Amurian plate and north American plate estimated by GNSS at southern Sakhalin, Russia and northern Hokkaido, Japan Ito Chihiro, Vasilenko Nikolay F., Prytkov Alexandr S., Takahashi Hiroaki, Ohzono Mako
Characteristic seismic signal before the 2014 flank eruption at Stromboli volcano, Italy Aoyama H., Kondo G., Nishimura T., Ripepe M., Lacanna G., Genco R., Kawaguchi R., Yamada T., Miwa T., Fujita E.
Retrospective Forecasting of the Onset Time of the March 24, 2017 Eruption at Kambalny Volcano (Kamchatka) Based on a Comparison of the Solar-daily Rhythm and its Parts of the Global and Regional Earthquakes Dubrovskaya I.K., Shirokov V.A.
Successful prediction of the strong Zhupanovskoe earthquake (MW7.2) based on the multi-instrumental borehole measurements Gavrilov V., Buss Yu., Lander A., Morozova Yu., Panteleev I.
Overview of the 2016-2018 eruption activity of Ebeko volcano (Kurile Islands) Kotenko T.A., Sandimirova E.I.
2016-2017 explosive eruptions of Kamchatka volcanoes based on KVERT data Manevich A., Girina O., Melnikov D., Nuzhdaev A.
Relation between ground deformation and plume discharge after the phreatic eruption in 2014 at Mt.Ontake, central Japan Narita S., Murakami M.
The effect of postseismic relaxation induced by large earthquakes around northeast Asia Ohzono M., Takahashi H., Shestakov N.V., Meng G., Gerasimenko M.D.
Tilt and volumetric strain change observed around Lake Akan at NOVEMBER 24, 2016 Okuyama S., Takahashi H., Miyagi Y., Aoyama H., Ohzono M., Okazaki N., Akita F., Miyamoto M., Saito K.
The stress change of Nobi earthquake area before and after the Tohoku-oki Earthquake Susukida Y., Katsumata K.
Three-dimensional resistivity structure beneath the crater of Tokachidake Tanaka R., Yamaya Y., Tamura M., Hashimoto T., Okazaki N., Takahashi R., Mogi T.
Monitoring of the Klyuchevskaya volcanic group using technics of Statistical Estimate of Seismicity Level (SESL'09) Voropaev P.V., Kugaenko Yu,A., Saltykov V.A.
The eruption at Kusatsu-Shirane volcano on 23 January, 2018, observed by V-net of the NIED Taishi Yamada, Hideki Ueda, Toshikazu Tanada
Monitoring of volcanic activity in the Kurile Islands: SVERT group - 15 years Chibisova M.V., Rybin A.V., Degterev A.V

Mesozoic-Cenozoic structures in gravity field and modified relief (as exampled by Kamchatka, Baikal region and N-E USA) Dobretsov N.L., Vasilevskiy A.N.
Network-Based Detection and Classification of Seismovolcanic Tremors: Example From the Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group in Kamchatka Shapiro N.M., Soubestre J., Seydoux L., de Rosny J., Droznin D.V., Droznina S.Ya., Senyukov S.L., Gordeev E.I.
Thinning of a Brittle Crust and Low-Magnitude Palaeoearthquakes along the Eastern Volcanic Front, Kamchatka Zelenin E., Kozhurin A.
A FAST Data-Mining Approach for Similar Earthquake Detection Spica Z., Yoon C., Beroza G., Bergen K., Rong K., Elezabi H., Bailis P., Levis P.
Magma feeding system of the Klyuchevskaya volcanic group Gordeev E., Koulakov I., Shapiro N., Abkadyrov I., Sens-Schönfelder C., Lühr B., Weber M., Jakovlev A., Droznin D., Senyukov S.
A ~6 ma long record of major explosive eruptions from the Kurile-Kamchatka arc Ponomareva V.V., Portnyagin M.V., Derkachev A.N., Bazanova L.I., Bubenshchikova N.V., Zelenin E.A., Rogozin A.N., Plechova A.A., Gorbarenko S.A.
Constraints on the shallow magmatic system in the southern part of Klyuchevskoy volcanic group from siesmic data Kugaenko Yu.
Geological background and geodynamic mechanism of Mt.Changbai volcanoes on the China-Korea border Liu Jiaqi, SS Chen, ZF Guo, WF Guo, HY He, HT You, HM Kim, GM Sung, H. Kim
Tsunami Inundation Modeling and Mapping in Alaska Nicolsky D.J., Suleimani E.N., West M.A.
Inundation limits of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki tsunami and inland limits of the tsunami deposits Nishimura Yuichi
Paleotsunami deposits and buried erosional scarps from co-seismic subsidence along Avachinsky bay coast (Kamchatka) Pinegina T.K., Bazanova L.I., Bourgeous J., Kozhurin A.I., Zelenin E.A., Vydrin D.S.
Reconstruction of earthquakes and tsunamis in the Japan Sea using sedimentary deposits in the Primorye coast, Russia: implication from numerical modeling Sugawara D., Nishimura Y., Takashimizu Y., Razjigaeva N.G., Ganzey L.A., Lebedev I., Borisov R.
Compositional variations in lavas of the Kluychevskaya group (Kamchatka): evidence for changing source compositions in a highly productive subarc mantle wedge? Churikova T., Gordeychik B., Wörner G., Flerov G.
Combined U-Th-disequilibrium and (U-Th)/He dating of zircon – a reliable tool for dating young volcanic systems Danišík Martin
Dynamical models for subduction zone processes in NE Japan incorporating fluid-rock interactions Iwamori H., Nakamura H., Horiuchi S., Nishizawa T., Sasajima R., Shibazaki B.
Distribution of volcanic eruptions in size for the purpose of study of mechanisms of magma aggregation in the earth's lithosphere and hazard prediction Ivanov V.V.
Submeridional and sublatitudinal faults in the structure of the lithosphere in Priamurye Gilmanova G., Merkulova T., Tusikova S.
Small but important: New data about activity and composition of Zarechny volcano (Central Kamchatka depression) Gorbach Natalia, Ponomareva Vera, Pendea Florin, Portnyagin Maxim
Selfsimilarity parameters of aftershock sequences Kartceva T.I.
Variations in the parameters of background seismic noise Kasimova V.A., Kopylova G.N., Lyubushin A.A.
Fluid and melt slab-derived components in the sources of Avachinsky group of volcanoes Krasheninnikov S.P., Portnyagin M.V., Bazanova L.I., Perepelov A.B.
2017-2018 seismic activization of Udina volcanic massif (Kamchatka, Klyuchevskoy volcanic group) Kugaenko Yu., Saltykov V., Voropaev P., Konovalova A.
Volcán Poás, Costa Rica, a low mercury degassing system Kushner D.S., de Moor J.M., Martinez Cruz M., Avard G., Rojas Marin J. F., Herrera Murillo J., Armstrong D., McLagan D., Wania F., Lean D., Wang F.
Seismic refraction and wide-angle reflection experiment in southern Kyushu, Japan - the 2017 exploration report Hiroki Miyamachi and Research Group for Crustal Velocity Structure in south Kyushu
Tsunami Inundation Modeling and Mapping in Alaska: Case Studies Nicolsky D.J., Suleimani E.N., West M.A.
A technique for calculation of an optimum double couple tensor using regional broadband seismograms Pavlov V.M., Abubakirov I.R.
First results of the complex 14C and 230Th/U dating of organic matter in the reference sections of the Late-Middle Pleistocene loose sedimentary deposits of the Central Kamchatka Pevzner M., Maksimov F., Petrov A., Grigoriev V., Nechushkin R., Karimov T.
Recent Geodynamics of the Kuril Subduction Zone Prytkov A., Vasilenko N., Frolov D.
An olivine-melt thermometer based on DNI, with no dependence on H2O in the melt: new experimental evidence Pu X., Moore G.M., Touran J.P., Gagnon J.E., Lange R.A.
Reconstruction of tectonic stresses in the mantle under the territory of Primorye Safonov D.A.
Tidal Variations of Seismic Noise as Earthquake Precursors: Monitoring and Results in 2013-2018 Saltykov V., Kugaenko Yu., Volovich O., Voropaev P.
Platinum group element and sulfide melts in oceanic picrite lavas from Kamchatsky Mys peninsula (Kamchatka, Russia) Savelyev D.P., Kamenetsky V.S., Danyushevsky L.V., Botcharnikov R.E., Portnyagin M.V.
Informational field of SB FRC GS RAS observational system Shchukin M., Kostylev D., Semenova E.
Postseismic displacements and deformations in Primorye invoked by the great 2011 Tohoku earthquake: results of 7 years of continuous GNSS-observations Shestakov N., Gerasimenko M., Sysoev D., Meng G., Takahashi H., Ohzono M.
Tsunami sediment deposition on coastal lowland over a sand dune: Examples from present and historical deposits in Japan Takashimizu Yasuhiro
Ichinsky volcano: two types of melts in the minerals of 4200 14C eruption Tolstykh M., Pevzner M., Volynets A., Babansky A.
Chronology and petrogenesis of volcanic rocks from the Wudalianchi area, Northeast Asia Zhang B., JQ Liu
Seismological data informational system of Kamchatka Branch of Geophysical Survey of RAS in 2018 Chebrova A., Chemarev A., Matveenko E., Tokarev A.
Seismic activity under Klyuchevskoy volcano as the trigger of endogenous-exogenous processes activization on its slopes Cherkashin R., Dubrovskaya I., Muravyev Ya.
Plinian eruptions of Zavaritsky caldera complex (Simushir Island, Central Kurules) as a source for ultradistal tephras found in deep-sea sediments of Okhotsk Sea Dirksen O.V., Rybinb A.V., Pletchov P.Yu.
Features of migration of seismic and volcanic activity in the ocean-continent tranzition zone Dolgaya A.
Preliminary results of the molecular hydrogen registration at the Petopavlovsk-Kamchatsky geodynamic test site Makarov E., Firstov P.
Analysis of the continuous seismic data from the Klyuchevskoy volcano group Galina N.A., Shapiro N.M., Smirnov V.B., Droznin D.V., Droznina S.Ya., Senyukov S.L., Gordeev E.I.
Mainshock‐Aftershock Clustering in Volcanic Regions Garza‐Giron Ricardo
Volcanic eruption tremor: comparison with plume heights and application of a fluvial seismology model Gestrich J., Fee D., Haney M., Tsai V., Van Eaton A.

Overview of temporary seismic networks on active volcanoes of Kamchatka (Russia) Jakovlev A., Koulakov I., Abkadyrov I., Shapiro N., Kuznetsov P., Deev E., Gordeev E., Chebrov V.
Temporal changes of seismic structures beneath active volcanoes inferred from repeated seismic tomography studies (cases Nevado del Ruiz, Galeras and Mt. Spurr) Koulakov Ivan, Vargas Carlos, West Michael
Stratigraphical study on the pyroclastic flow deposits including a Middle Pleistocene marker tephra of Shiobara-Otawara (So-OT) tephra, the southern Northeast Japan: Recognition of So-OT with major and trace elements of glass shards Yamada M., Suzuki T., Albert P.G., Smith V.C., Tomlinson E.L.
Petrological studies on the Quaternary magmatism in the northern Sredinny range Nishizawa T., Nakamura H., Churikova T., Gordeychik B., Ishizuka O., Iwamori H.
Sr-Nd isotopic composition of Neogene-Quaternary volcanic rocks of the Sredinny Range, Kamchatka: implications for magma generation in the back-arc Volynets A., Kostitsyn Yu., Pevzner M., Goltsman Yu., Perepelov A.
Fast ascend of basaltic magmas from 7600 BP eruption of Shiveluch Gordeychik B., Churikova T., Kronz A., Sundermeyer C., Simakin A., Wörner G.
Generation of calc-alkaline magma controlled by water content of primary magma at Rishiri Volcano, southern Kuril arc Taniuchi Hajime, Kuritani Takeshi, Nakagawa Mitsuhiro
Garnet-pyroxenite-derived end-member magma type in Kamchatka: the case of the Kekuknaisky volcano Nekrylov N., Popov D.V., Plechov P.Yu., Shcherbakov V.D., Danyushevsky L.V., Dirksen O.V.
Place and role of amphibole in processes of large-scale siliceous volcanism in island arcs: case study of Late Pleistocene caldera eruptions of the Iturup Island (Kurile islands) Smirnov S.Z., Timina T.Yu., Maksimovich I.Yu., Kotov A.A., Rybin A.V., Kruk N.N., Kuzmin D.V.
Composition and crystallization conditions of olivine-phyric rocks from Kamchatsky Mys peninsula Korneeva A.A., Nekrylov N.A., Savelyev D.P., Portnyagin M.V., Zelenski M.E., Kamenetsky M.B., Krasheninnikov S.P., Shcherbakov V.D.
Modeling Compressibility and Pressure Changes in a Magma Chamber prior to the 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska Wasser Valerie, Lopez Taryn, Izbekov Pavel, Freymueller Jeff, Anderson Kyle
Volcanic gas emissions from the Kuril island arc: geochemistry and fluxes Taran Yuri, Kalacheva Elena, Zelenski Mikhail, Chaplygin Ilya, Malik Natalia, Melnikov Dmitri, Campion Robin, Kazahaya Ryunosuke, Voloshina Ekaterina
Formation of hydrothermal-sedimentary nb-ree mineralization in the Tomtor complex (Arctic Siberia, Russia): signatures of biotic contribution Dobretsov N., Zhmodik S., Lazareva E., Ponomarchuk V., Tolstov A.
Variabity of deep seated fluid observed by rare earth elements along Median Tectonic Line Nakamura H., Iwamori H., Chang Q., Morikawa N., Kazahaya K., Takahashi M., Tanimizu M.
Regional long term crustal deformation characteristics in northeast Asia continent due to great earthquakes and interseismic coupling along northwestern Pacific subduction zones Takahashi H., Ohzono M., Ito C., Shestakov N., Gerasimenko M., Vasilenko N., Prytkov A., Meng G.
Relationship between infrasound-derived and buoyancy-derived eruption cloud volume estimates Taishi Yamada, Hiroshi Aoyama, Hideki Ueda
Organization of heterogeneous remote sensing data management for near real-time volcanic activity monitoring and analysis with the VOLSATVIEW Information System Burtsev M., Girina O.A., Kramareva L., Loupian E., Sorokin A., Uvarov I.
Development of hardware-software complex for registration the atmospheric electric potential gradient Budilov D.I., Akbashev R.R., Firstov P.P.
The satellite monitoring and forecasting of volcanic clouds distribution Filei A.A., Sukhanova V.V., Amelchenko Yu.A.
The 25th anniversary of Kamchatkan volcanic eruption response team Girina O.A., Gordeev E.I., Melnikov D.V., Manevich A.G., Nuzhdaev A.A., Romanova I.M.
Application of an Updated Atmospheric Model to Explore Infrasound Propagation of Explosive Eruptions in Alaska Alexandra M. lezzi, Hans F. Schwaiger, David Fee, Matthew M. Haney
Satellite data interactive analysis tools in the VOLSATVIEW volcanoes monitoring system Kashnitskiy A., Burtsev M., Girina O.A., Loupian E., Zlatopolsky A.
Software platform for volcano video monitoring Korolev S. P., Romanova I.M., Girina O.A., Sorokin A.A., Malkovsky S.I., Urmanov I.P.
Petrology of Late Miocene to Early Pleistocene volcanic rocks in Takikawa district, Central Hokkaido: Temporal and spatial variation of magma at Kuril- NE JAPAN arc-arc junction Enoeda R., Nakagawa M.
Mineralogy of salty crusts covering basalt walls in the “duplex” lava tube of Tolbachik volcano (Kamchatka arc) Malutina A., Zhitova L., Kamenetsky V., Belousov A., Sharygin V., Zelensky M., Abersteiner A., Zakharov S.
Correlation of the satellite and video data for operative monitoring of volcanic activity in Kamchatka Melnikov D., Manevich A., Girina O.
Spatial Data Infrastructure for information support of volcanological investigations Romanova I.M., Girina O.A.
Tiltmeter observation in Avachinsky volcano, Kamchatka Takahashi H., Aoyama H., Ohzono M., Miyamachi H., Yamashita Y., Matsushima T., Watanabe S., Gordeev E., Muravyev Y., Maguskin K., Minorov I., Malik N., Chebrov D.
Computer methods and algorithms for processing images of volcanoes Urmanov I.
Development of the automatic system for measuring sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission on active volcanoes in Kamchatka Ushakov S., Melnikov D.
Gold- and copper-bearing salt crusts in lava tubes of Tolbachik volcano (Kamchatka arc) Zhitova L., Kamenetsky V., Belousov A., Sharygin V., Zelenski M., Malutina A., Abersteiner A., Zakharov S.
Perspectives of GNSS-techniques application for early tsunami warning in the Kuril-Kamchatka Region Shestakov N., Nechaev G., Titkov N.
Vertical Ground Deformation of Ioyama, Kirishima Volcanoes Measured by Precise Leveling Survey Shimizu H., Morita K., Koga Y., Matsushima T.

The retrieval of volcanic ash parameters from satellite data Filei A.A., Rublev A.N.
Models of Volcanic Ash Propagation for the Exploration of Explosive Eruptions of Kamchatka Volcanoes Malkovsky S.I., Sorokin A.A., Korolev S.P., Girina O.A., Loupian E.A.
A 40-year photogrammetric analysis reveals changing eruption style and dome to cone transition at Bezymianny Volcano, Kamchatka Shevchenko A.V., Mania R., Walter T.R., Dvigalo V.N., Svirid I.Yu.
Fluid geochemistry as tool to discover geothermal fields, trace metals, oil&gas reserves and hazardous faults Quattrocchi Fedora, Gallo Francesco, Boschi Enzo
3-D Acoustic Multipole Inversion at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu Alexandra M. lezzi, David Fee, Keehoon Kim, Arthur D. Jolly, Robin S. Matoza, Bruce Christenson
GNSS in tsunami early warning systems: can the M~7 earthquakes be processed? Pupatenko V.V.
Volcanic activity and hydrology in Kamchatka Kuksina L.V.
Petrology of the 2016 eruption of Pavlof volcano, Alaska: Insights on the magma plumbing system Izbekov P.E., Waythomas C.F., Larsen J.F., Lopez T.M., Evdokimova N.A
Mineralogy and thermometry of deep xenoliths from the Kharchinsky volcano (Central Kamchatka depression) Sekisova V., Smirnov S., Kuzmin D., Shevko A., Gora M.
Geological and structural location of the Yagodninsky hydrothermal-magmatic system Boykova I.A.
Solute fluxes from the volcano-hydrothermal system of the Kuril island arc (Russia) Kalacheva E., Taran Yu., Kotenko T.A., Voloshina E.V.
Varieties of endogenic opals from Mutnovsky volcanic area (South Kamchatka) Nazarova M., Topchieva O.
Fading hydrothermal activity of the Piipovskiye Springs group Nikolaeva A., Karpov G., Kuzmin D.
Long term geochemical monitoring of volcanic gases in active volcanoes in Hokkaido, Japan Ohmori K., Takahashi R., Ogino T., Murayama Y.



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