V.Ye. Kungurova, V.A. Stepanov
Research Geotechnological Centre, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683002
The authors studied some typomorphic features of native gold in the beach ore of south-western Kamchatka. Two gold types were distinguished. Gold with flat, lamellate, flaky form, with <0.07 – 0.75mm size, well-rounded and moderate high-standard gold is referred to the first type. The second type includes larger gold of 0.1 – 2 mm size, which is cloddy, chips-like, stranded, with bad-rounded surface covered with furrows; such gold is characterized by a lower standard. High-standard gold envelope of 10-70 micron thickness, as well as structures of embryological, partial and full recrystallization were detected in the beach gold grains. The composition and gold elements-admixtures reveal different removal sources.
Keywords: gold, coastal-marine placers, highstandard envelope, elements- admixtures.