D.F.Kalinin, T.B.Kalinina, V.A.Bezukladnov
State unitary research and development enterprise «Geologorazvedka», Saint Petersburg, Russia
The authors considered four physical-geological models (PGM) that simulate petroliferous structures – hydrocarbons' traps of various genetic types (target objects) among a geologic background (non-target objects). Besides, we analyzed the opportunity for detection of weak gravitational and magnetic anomalies calculated from target objects and complicated by background fields from non-target objects. Threshold values for jumps of density and magnetic susceptibility between target objects and non-target objects were revealed. Those values allow detection the hydrocarbons' traps including an accuracy of shootings. Conditions for detection of two-layer petroliferous structures were considered. A comparison of PGMs was carried out. The most effective model was chosen for prognosis and exploration of the petroliferous structures.
Keywords: physical and geological model, «anomaly as deposit», jump of properties.