Kemkin I.V.
Far Eastern Geological Institute, Far East Branch Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok,690022
The data of comparative study of the Jurassic accretionary prism terranes in Sikhote-Alin and Japan are given. It is shown, that these terranes are a complex-structured tectono-sedimentary complexes characterized by natural recurrence of strong-dislocated fragments of the primary cut-section of the sedimentary cover of the different in age sites of the paleooceanic plate. The characteristic feature of the Jurassic prism is that the relatively young paleooceanic formations and overlapping them terrigenous deposit compose the lower structural level, whereas more ancient – the upper one, that is a result of the consecutive accretion of paleooceanic formations to the continent margin. The Jurassic prism contain several such consecutive tectono-stratigraphic units (complexes), which reflect the certain stages of its (prism) formation and characterize concrete geological events on the PaleoAsian continent eastern margin. The main of them were: accretion of the Paleozoic oceanic plateau fragments in Early Jurassic, accretion of the fragments of different in age sites of the abyssal plain in Middle-Late Jurassic and accretion of the Mesozoic oceanic plateau fragments at the end of the Late Jurassic.
Keywords: Jurassic accretion prism, Sikhote-Alin, Japan, geologic phenomena