G.P. Avdeiko1,2, A. A. Palueva1
1Institute of volcanology and seismology. Far East Division, Russian Academy of Science, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsyi, 683006. Russia
2V. Bering Kamchatka State University, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683032, Russia e-mail: [email protected]
Zones of the Pacific plate sharp bend (1), seismic active segments (2) ,and thrust blocks (3) within segments with different seismicity where recognized in the Kamchatka subduction system as a result of a seismic tectonic zoning. The estimate of seismic and tsunami hazard of these structures was examined on the base of a retrospective analysis of seismicity and the model of segments and thrust blocks model. The zone of the Pacific plate sharp bend between Lopatka Cape and Shipunsky Peninsula is the most hazardous zone, but the same zone between the Shipunsky Peninsula and the Kamchatka Aleutian junction is not hazardous. An other picture is observed on the zone between the deep sea trench and the zone of the Pacific plate bend: the zone from Northern Avachinsky to Ust-Kamchatsky segments is the most seismic and tsunami hazardous. Trust blocks are the most seismic active here. They are seen as tectonic height on the bottom on the continental slope. Such picture of seismic hazard is the result of different age of the subduction zone (about 10 m.y. in the Northern segments and 25 m.y. in the Southern one) and the Pacific plate structure. The Northern Avachinsky segment is the most hazardous as the boundary between different age subduction zone.