N.V. Cherneva2, E.A. Ponomarev1,2 , P.P. Firstov3, A.V. Buzevich3
1Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS,
2Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radio Wave Propagation FEB RAS,
3Institute of Volcanology and Seismology FEB RAS
In the present paper we estimated a response in atmospheric electric field intensity from space charge of simple configuration carried by wind and located over a conducting surface. The following elementary space charges are considered: monopole, horizontal and vertical dipole, horizontally located flat thin disk. It was established that the response in atmospheric electric field intensity from dipole configurations and from the disk coincide with distance quite quickly. The presented model calculations of electric field intensity change, when space charges go nearby an observation point and their graphical form is of qualitative level, may be used as standard “portraits” to determine the configuration of space charges of local origin.