G.À. Fonarev1, À.L. Kharitonov2, G.P. Kharitonova2
1 Center of Geoelectromagnetic Researches of Integrated Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
142190, Òðîèöê of Moscow region.
2 Pushkov Institutes of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Òðîèöê of Moscow region, E-mail: [email protected]
In the paper the technique spatial - temporary satellite magnetic measurement is explained, in which fundamentals the evaluation of a private differential of a geomagnetic field on time measured on a satellite pases. The technique is intended for a filtration of fields of external (magnetosphere) origin from the measured geomagnetic field and the extraction of interior (tectonosphere) origin fields. In the paper the examples of extraction of fields of a tectonosphere origin connected with the deep heterogeneities in the region of a Kursk iron-ore deposit and fields of seismic active faults of African continental rift are presented.