© Yu.I.
Tveritinov, T.Yu. Tveritinova
State Univercity, Geological Faculty, Moscow, 119234, MSU
e-mail: [email protected]
basis of space-statistical data analysis on elements of bedding
of folded structures that was performed for regions of the
Far East, Baikal mountain area, Mountain Altai, Pamirs and
Southern Tyan-Shan in period 1960-2000 years as well as on
basis of summary of literary materials on the rest of the world,
the author had determined the unknown before regularity of
changing structure plans in folded areas that is interrelated
with the global level tectonic rearrangements. That rearrangements
are caused by changes of position of Earth’s axis of rotation.
In folded areas, they appear by the tendency of rotation of
folded structures spreadings clockwise with average angular
velocity equal to 0.3° per a million years.