© Yu.
K. Serafimova
Kamchatkan Branch,
Geophysical Survey, Russian Academy of Sciences
683006, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Piip Avenue 9, Russia
research is conducted of interrelation between powerful earthquakes
(MW ³ 7.5) taken place in Kam-chatka
with sunspot number variations. An evaluation of this relation
is made for four phases designated
in 11-year sun’s activity cycle. It has been revealed that
such a relation exists and is mostly evident for phases corresponding
to maximum and minimum of sun’s activity cycle. A retrospective
analysis of earthquake forecast efficiency on phases of sun’s
activity cycle shows that presence of phases corresponding
to maximum and minimum of sun’s activity cycle can serve as
qualitative additional criteria at a real-time middle-term
forecasting of powerful Kamchatkan earthquakes.