© I.
A. Larionov, A. O. Zherbina, M. A. Mizhenko
Institute of Cosmophysical
Researches and Radio Wave Propagation (IKIR) FEB RAS, 684034, Paratunka,
Kamchatskaya oblast, Elizovskiy region, Mirnaya st., 7, Tel. /Fax: (415-31)
33-7-18, [email protected]
Correspondence address: 684034, Paratunka, Kamchatskaya oblast, Elizovskiy
region, Mirnaya st., 7
Tel. /Fax: (415-31) 33-7-18, [email protected]
the basis of two directional hydrophone systems installed at
the distance of 20 km from each other, one is in an artificial
reservoir and the other one is in a lake, long-lasting observations
of the geoacoustic emission in the frequency range 0.1-10000
Hz aiming at discovering and researching the changes in the
characteristics of geoacoustic noise, which corresponds to
the final stage of seismic events development. The observations
showed, that in some cases in high-frequency part of the spectrum
during a day before an event, considerable and long increase
of signal was observed. This increase exceeded repeatedly the
background level. A comparative analysis of high-frequency
disturbances, registered simultaneously at different sites,
was carried out in order to distinguish common characteristics.
It was showed that the value and also the appearance of anomalous
signal of geoacoustic emission, preceding strong seismic events,
depend not only on the energetic class, depth of an earthquake
focus and the distance to the epicenter of a preparing earthquake
but also on the location of receiving systems themselves and
on the way of installation. One can suppose that simultaneously
appearing high-frequency anomalies of geoacoustic emission
at spaced sites are determined by deformational processes activating
before a seismic event.