© N.
M. Kravchenko
Branch of Geophysical Service, RAS, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, 683006
technique for calculating a predictive parameter RTL proposed
by Sobolev G.A. and Tyupkin Yu.S. (1996) was used for investigating
variations of weak seismicity in Kamchatka for the period of
time from 1980 to 2004. The analysis has been done for two
depth ranges: 0-70 km and 30-100 km. It was found that in 7
cases from 9 for the depth range 0-70 km and in 10 cases from
16 for the depth range 30-100 km within the limits of area
of abnormal reduction of values RTL or in its nearest vicinities
in an interval till 2 years after achievement of a minimum
RTL occured earthquake of Mі6.