© Ya.
D. Muravyev
of volcanology & seismology RAS,
Piyp Boulevard, 9, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia,
e-mail: [email protected]
Together with glacial, meteorological and seismic reasons of
Kolka glacier descent from its receptacle, we assume that
volcanic (or postvolcanic) phenomena take part in the catastrophic
development of this process.
Presence of volcanic-techtonic conditions for accumulation and
advance to the day surface of great quantity of volcanic gases
which include CO2, H2S and SO2 in various proportions; resemblance
of phenomena which accompany explosive character of gas exit
into environment in volcanic regions and similar displays in
Kolka glacier canyon; as well as qualitative sensations of eye-witnesses
- all these facts testify the possibility of explosive activity
under the glacier, and it is genetically connected with glacier
body dynamics.
Perhaps, another factor (which is not the last in the list of
important ones) that had caused catastrophic character of Kolka
glacier descent is the process in the geothermal system which
is located in the fissure zone of deep fracture in Kolka canyon
and this system is connected with Kazbek magmatic chamber and/or
with neointrusions of the region.
Basing upon these premises we offer a hypothesis of recurring
gas eruptions on the Kolka glacier bed. Taking it into consideration,
we can explain some peculiarities of glacial catastrophe development
both in this valley and in some other glaciers of Kazbek-Gimaraisky
volcanic massif.