Problem of vortex structures of the geological processes was first cited by the Chinese scientist Lee-S.G. in 20-30s of the past century and was conclusively stated as a scientific hypothesis in his book published in China in 1955, which appeared in print in the Russian translation as “Vortex structures and other problems relating to the combination of the geotectonic systems of the North-West China” in the Moscow State Scientific-Technical Publishing House of the geological literature and environmental protection in 1958. Based on a great body of facts, the existence of the vortex structures, which in the author’s opinion are the result of the shifts taking place at rotation of the separate masses of the earth’s crust are proved in this book. The crux of the problem lies in the fact that as yet, there has been no answer to the question “Why and for which reason(s) separate masses of the earth’s crust rotate?” that would satisfy if not all then at least the majority of the researchers.
During the ensuing years, there were practically no publications on the subjects. Among the most important home publications on the problem of the vortex structures of the geological processes, the following ones should be mentioned: a monograph by O.I.Sleznak “Vortex systems of the lithosphere and Pre-Cambrian structure” (Kiev: Naukova Dumka.1972) and a paper by I.V.Melekestsev “The vortex volcanic hypothesis and some prospects for its application” published in the “Problems of deep magmatism” ( M.:Nauka.1979. P.125-155).
Nevertheless, the problem of the vortex structures in the geological processes troubled and still troubles many researches. But, apparently, lack of the physically justified mechanisms clarifying the origin of such structures and their genesis did not allow the researchers to get down to solving this problem at a rather high scientific level.
On March 25, 2003, a seminar “Vortex-related events of the geological processes” supported by the Kamchatka Regional Association “Educational-scientific Center (KRAEFC) took place in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Scientists from the following Kamchatkan institutes: IVGiG FED RUS, IV FED RUS, SRGTC FED RUS, KMESD GS RAS, KSTTU, KSTU, KIBCC, Vladivostok institutes: PGI FED RAS, FEGI FED RAS, and Moscow institutes: MSU and UShIPhE RAS, submitted 16 reports to the seminar.
From the outset, the agenda of the seminar went far beyond the geology. It was specially arranged in such a way, as only at the comprehensive considering the problem, one can understand the origin of the vortical motions in general, particularly physics of such motions in which separate masses of the solid earth’s crust are involved.
A great body of data and mechanisms clarifying them was presented in the reports read at this seminar. As the seminar showed, the theme appeared to be rather interesting and actual. Unfortunately, not all applicants could participate in the work of the seminar, as well as not everybody could submit the material for the publication. A few articles the authors of which shared the idea of importance of the seminar theme were included into the volume.
In my opinion, the papers presented in this collection fully illuminate both themes and spirit of the seminar. For the sake of convenience, the articles of this collection were thematically grouped (though symbolically enough) into five sections: Geodynamics; Wave (quant) tectonics; Volcanism; Geothermy; Metallogeny; Planetary systems of Cosmos; Earthquakes; Electromagnetism; World Ocean, atmosphere, turbulence.