The vortex geologic structures considered in this collection of articles are not the manifestation of some particular motion. Such motions are the indicators of the galactic and tectonic activity including volcanism and seismicity. Irrespective of the physical substance state, they take place in the atmospheres of the planets, hydrosphere of the Earth, Solar systems interior, in the Galactic and in the Cosmos as a whole.
What can one say about the nature of such an over piercing motion, as related to the geological processes? The severity of the problem lies in the fact that on the one hand, the problem is complex and concerns the interdisciplinary sciences of the micro-and macro world, the discreteness and continuity of the space and time. On the other hand, the rotation pierces through the whole substance regardless of its physical state. This can also be inferred from the considerations of the broad specialists, presented below. One can find a lot of such suggestions based on the analysis of the extensive physical evidences (astronomic and Cosmophysical included), and complex geologic-geophysical data.
The importance of the problem of rotational motion has been always clear for the specialists (Lee S.-G., 1958). For instance, at the end of 50s of the 20th century, “Cent-Amman and Benioff independently of each other suggested that the Pacific Ocean basin rotated as a single whole relative to the conjugated continental margins (Benioff, 1966). Based on the abundant geologic and geophysical evidence, the character of the Pacific plate motion is concluded in the paper (Maslov,1996).
The problem of the rotational motions has not lost its actuality at the present time either due to the development of the geological sciences. Below are the quotations from some recent publications (italics by the editor-in-chief of the collection).
“Two aspects of the global dynamics remained beyond the frames of the plate tectonics, begin to attract attention at the present time, but they are still far from the full elucidation. It is a question of role of the rotational factor in geodynamics, i.e., the role of the Earth’s axial rotation and changes of its velocity, and the question of the processes influence upon the geodynamics in Cosmos surrounding our planet, first of all within the system Earth – Moon – Sun and also our Galactic” (Khain,2002).
“Physical conservation laws and tectonic models must be interrelated… Vortical tectonic motions may take place at a rather fast development of the instability within the lithosphere-astenosphere system. In this case, vortexes must leave traces in the form of the ring structures… The natural disasters precursor of the earthquake and intensive orogenesis- type is realized as slow wave motions… They can be the so-called modern tectonic motions “(Dubrovsky, Sergeev, 2002).
The problematic paper (Tishkin, 1994) discusses appearance “of a new paradigm in geology, uniting viewpoints on the discreteness and continuity of development of the geological area. In the light of this paradigm and considering the hierarchical structure of the geological area, the science concerned with the processes proceeding within the “Earth” system and the force fields manifested in those processes, can be called quantum geodynamics. The objects of the quantum geodynamics are the heterogeneous bodies ranging from the cluster of atoms to the geosphere and planet itself in the context of its cosmic development. As a methodological instrument, a term geodynamical field” is coined in order to describe those processes.
“Within the framework of the quantum geodynamics, the quant-geodynamical modeling for the geologic-geophysical structures was carried out. At such modeling, the information obtained from the different observing systems and on various scales” proves to be necessary (Tishkin, Abramov, 2002).
In the section “Quantum seismotectonics”of this collection (Problems…, 2000) “Methods are suggested for evaluating seismic activity, inclination angle for the plot of the earthquake recurrence and values of maximum seismic energy through the quant-mechanical Langevin and Planck-Einstein functions (Levy, 2000). It has been shown “that within the bounds of the rotational model for the seismic process, the strongest earthquakes may be thought of as certain “quants” of energy corresponding to the “regular” changes in the regime of the planet rotation (Vikulin, 2000). “A term is coined of the macroscopic defect – “seismon”, as an area of the geological medium with the specific minimum size corresponding to the given space level of its fractality and the deformation value” (Poplavsky, Solovjev,200).
Relativistic geodynamics has been worked out in which without any contradictions many endogenous geological structures as well as fixistic and mobilistic conceptions in geology are systematized (Veselov, 2002).
“Studies of shift displacements and rotary motions were performed not only with a help of the traditional geological methods, but also using latest remote, geophysical, and paleomagnetic methods. By the XXI century, a considerable data bank characterizing structures at the most different levels from the local to the planetary ones has been obtained” (Poletajev,2002)
“The model for the medium with the superconductive core at the surface of which the vortexes from the normal non-superconductive rocks are placed, provides an explanation for almost all the events…, (including – A.V.) reasons of displacement of the vortex structures at the surface and their stability” (Tsyganov, 2002).
“Presence of the spiroid or vortex structures – revibrators- clarifies many dynamical processes of the Earth. Mantle plumes transporting energy and substance are generated at the interaction of the autowave fields of the geospheres and have a revebratory structure… At the border of the two spiroid or vortex structures, the ground masses are involved into the revebratory structures. When reaching the cores of the vortex structures, angular velocity of the substance increases. Such motions are at times directed towards the Earth’s center and at other times – from its center” (Dmitrievsky, 2001).
“In 1911, A.Poinkare concerning the Kant-Laplace vortex cosmological nebular hypothesis suggested more than a hundred years ago, advocated: “In spite of the numerous objections to it, despite of the new and new striking discoveries in astronomy capable of surprising its creators, the vortex cosmogony still remains with us”. Taking into consideration the latest achievements, such as quant and cosmogenic, wave-block geophysical, tectonic and geological concepts, the A.Poinkare’s proposition remains valid to the present day.
In other words, we again turn back to the beginning: the rotary motion is absolute. Just this property seems to be used as the basis of a new theory of the vortex motion (Potapov, Fominsky, Potapov, 2000), able to clarify all its properties during the whole history of the matter development, including the vortex structures in the geological processes.
1. Benioff X. Movements along the largest fractures // Continental drift. Horizontal movements of the earth’s crust (Ed. By S.K.Rankorn). M.:Mir. 1966. P.99-104.
2. Veselov K.E. Physical gravity dynamics and relativistic geodynamics // Tectonics and geophysics of the lithosphere. Proceedings of the XXXV Tectonic Workshop. V.I. M.: GEOS. 2002. P.99-100 (in Russian)
3. Vikulin A.V. Quant of the seismic tectonic activity //Problems of seismicity of the Far East. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: RAS. 2000. P.220-234 (in Russian).
4. Dmitrievsky A.N. Autowave fields and dynamics of the Earth // Abstracts of the 7th International Conference on the plate tectonics. M.: Nauchnyi Mir. 2001. P.97-98 (in Russian).
5. Dubrovsky V.A., Sergeev V.N. The conservation laws and tectonics // Tectonics and geophysics of the lithosphere. Proceedings of the Tectonic Workshop.V. I. M.: GEOS. 2002. P.181-185 (in Russian).
6. Lee-S-G. Vortex structures of the North-West China. M-L.:Gosgeoltekhizdat. 1958. 130 p.
7. Levy N.V. Some questions of the theory of the earthquakes distribution // The Far East seismicity problems. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: KEMSD GS RAS. 2000. P.212-219 (in Russian).
8. Maslov L.A. Geodynamics of lithosphere of the Pacific mobile belt // Khbarovsk-Vladivistok. Dal’nauka. 1996. 200 p (in Russian).
9. Poletaev A.I. Shift-rotary motivation of the structural evolution of the Earth // Tectonics and geophysics of the lithosphere. Proceedings of the XXXV Tectonic Workshop. V. II. M.: GEOS. 2002. P.104-107 (in Russian).
10. Poplavsky A.A., Solov’ev V.N. The hypothesis of the macro seismic defect generating the earthquakes // Problems of the Far East seismicity. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski: RAS. 2000. P.235-242 (in Russian).
11. Potapov Yu.S., Fominskyi L.P., Potapov S. Yu. Vortical power and cold nuclear synthesis in the context of the motion theory. Kishinev-Cherkassy: Oko-Plus. 2000. 287 p. (in Russian).
12. Problems of the Far East seismicity (Ed. by A.V.Vikulin). Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski.: RAS. 2003. 318 p. (in Russian).
13. Tishkin B.M. Quant geodynamics – a new paradigm in geology // Vestnik DVO RAN. 1994. No.4. P.91-102 ((in Russian).
14. Tishkin B.M., Abramov V.A. Quant-geodynamical modeling of the geologic-geophysical structures // Tectonics and geophysics of the lithosphere. Proceedings of the XXXV Tectonic Workshop. V. II. M.: GEOS. 2002. P. 237-240 (in Russian).
15. Khain V.E. Global geodynamics: new progress, old and new problems // Tectonics and geophysics of the lithosphere. Proceedings of the XXXV Tectonic Workshop. V.II. M.: GEOS. 2002. P.279-280 (in Russian).
16. Tzyganov V.I. Interference-diffraction structures of the Central Aldan region // Tectonics and geophysics of the lithosphere. Proceedings of the XXXV Tectonic Workshop. V. II. M.: GEOS. 2002. P.293-294 (in Russian).