Борис Владимирович Иванов
(07.05.1935 - 22.01.2014)
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Список публикаций Б.В. Иванова

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Izbekov Pavel E., Eichelberger John C., Patino Lina C., Vogel Thomas A., Ivanov Boris V. Calcic cores of plagioclase phenocrysts in andesite from Karymsky volcano: Evidence for rapid introduction by basaltic replenishment // Geology. 2002. V. 30. № 9. P. 799-802.    Аннотация
Calcic cores in plagioclase of Karymsky andesite of the 1996–2000 eruptive cycle texturally and compositionally (both trace and major elements) mimic the plagioclase phenocrysts of basalt erupted 6 km away at the onset of the cycle. These observations support the view that simultaneous eruption of andesite and basalt at Karymsky in the beginning of the cycle represents an example of replenishment and eruption triggering of an andesitic reservoir. Homogeneity of andesitic output occurred within two months. This suggests to us that blending of injected basalt into reservoir magma was thorough and rapid.
http://www.kscnet.ru/ivs/bibl/vulk/karim/ipe02.pdf (связанный ресурс)
Иванов Б.В. 35 лет Камчатской вулканологической станции им. академика Ф.Ю. Левинсон-Лессинга / Вулканы, события, люди. Петропавловск-Камчатский: ИВ ДВО РАН. 2002. С. 21-24.
http://www.kscnet.ru/ivs/publication/vulksl/index.html (связанный ресурс)

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