CV of Marina

CV of Alexander Belousov


1993 - Ph.D. Moscow State University, Geology. Thesis:"Pyroclastic deposits of catastrophic eruptions of Bezymianny, Shiveluch and Mt. Sent Helens volcanoes." Supervisor: professor V.T. Frolov

1984 - M.S., Moscow State University, Geology. Speciality: Geological mapping. Thesis: "Geological structure and peculiarities of volcanism of Asacha region (Southern Kamchatka)."

Current position

May 2013 - now - Senior Researcher, Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia.

Professional experience

November 2009 - March 2012 - Senior Research Fellow, Volcano Group, Earth Observatory of Singapore

September 2008 - July 2009 - Visiting scholar, Academia Sinica,Taipei, Taiwan

October - December 2007 & May - June 2009 - Research scholar, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University

2004 - 2007 - Senior researcher, Institute of Volcanology & Seismology, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia.

2004 - 2006 - Leading researcher, Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics,Yuzno-Sakhalinsk, Russia.

January - June 2007 - Chief specialist, Department of Marine Geology, company "Peter-Gaz B.V".

1999 - 2003 - Research fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany. Advisor: professor H-U. Schmincke, GEOMAR, Kiel

February - May 2002 -Visiting scientist, Blaise Pascal University, Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans.

1998 - 1999 - Postdoctoral fellowship, Pennsylvania State University. Advisor: B. Voight

1991 - 2004 - Senior researcher, Kamchatka Volcanic Observatory, Kluchi, Russia

1984 - 1991 - Researcher, Kamchatka Volcanic Observatory, Kluchi, Russia

1983 - Geologic assistant, Institute of Volcanology, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, USSR

1982 - Geologic assistant, Geological Mapping Expedition of Ministry of Geology, Kolyma region, USSR

1980 - Geologic assistant, Tectonophysical expedition of Moscow State University, Polar Ural mountains, USSR

Field of research

Physical volcanology, pyroclastic stratigraphy, instability of volcanic edifices, monitoring of volcanic activity


2015-2017 - Russian Science Foundation # 15-17-20011 �Geochemistry and balance of volatiles in subduction zones: a case of the Kuril Island Arc�, PI: Yuri Taran

2013 - CRDF (Civilian Research and Development Foundation). Grant to conduct field work in Yellowstone National Park and Mount St Helens.

2012 - 2013 - NSF, "Rapid Response to Ongoing Tolbachik Eruption: constraining heat transfer during lava-snow interactions and constraining magma storage conditions" (in collaboration with Benjamin Edwards, Dickinson College, PA, USA).

2012 - 2013 -NASA, "Volcanic Forcing Effects on Climate and Solid-Earth Systems Using ASTER Data"(in collaboration with Michael Ramsey,University of Pittsburgh, PA).

2006 - 2011 - NSF. "United States-Russia-Japan Partnership in Research and Education in Volcanology". (in collaboration with John Eichelberger).

2008 - 2009 - NSC (National Science Council of Taiwan). "How will erupt the Tatun volcano? - Possible eruptive scenarios inferred from reconstructions of past activity based on pyroclastic stratigraphy".

2008 - 2010 - French National Research Agency (ANR). "Vitesss: Volcano-induced tsunamis: sedimentary signature and simulations". (in collaboration with Raphael Paris, Universite de Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France).

2007 - 2009 � NSF. �Rapid Decompression of Pressurized Magma and Laterally-Directed Blasts: Determining Required Initial Conditions and Predicting Hazards Using 3D Multi-Phase Numerical Simulations�. (in collaboration with Amanda Clarke, Arizona State University).

2007 - 2008 - National Geographic Society. �Volcano lava domes: a quantative satellite and field-based thermal infrared investigations�.(in collaboration with Adam Carter, University of Pittsburgh, PA).

2004 - 2005 - National Geographic Society."Direct sampling of volcanic cloud with the goal to determine real grain-size distribution of pyroclastic particles"

2003 - 2005 - Russian Foundation of Basic Research. "Mechanisms of fragmentation of magma, transportation and deposition of pyroclasts during underwater volcanic eruptions".

2003 - 2005 - CRDF (Civilian Research and Development Foundation) "Directed Blast Surge and Debris Avalanche at Bezymianny Volcano (Kamchatka): New Approach Combining Field Investigations and 3D Numerical Modeling" (in collaboration with Barry Voight)

2001 - 2003 - Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. "Large scale failures of Canary Islands".

1999 - 2001 - Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. "Study of strain distribution and entrainment of subjacent material in volcanic debris avalanches: key to the puzzle of their mysteriously long runout"

1999 - Young investigator program of CRDF (Civilian Research and Development Foundation). "Volcano Collapse Dynamics and Avalanche Shear Zones: The Target of Opportunity in Kamchatka" (in collaboration with Barry Voight, )

1996 - 1998 - NSF, " Debris avalanche and directed blast deposits of March 30,1956 Bezymianny volcano"(in collaboration with Barry Voight, PennState).

1996 - 1998 - CRDF (Civilian Research and Development Foundation) "Volcano Collapse Dynamics and Avalanche Shear Zones: The Target of Opportunity in Kamchatka" (in collaboration with Barry Voight)

1994 - 1996 - ISF (International Science Foundation) "Explosive eruptions provoked by large scale failure of volcanic edifice."

1993 - 1994 - GKNT (Russian State Committee of Science and Technology). "Effect and deposits of lateral volcanic blasts."


1996 - present: International Association of Volcanology and Geochemistry of Earth Interior (IAVCEI)

2004 - present: American Geophysical Union (AGU)


1993 - "Harry Glicken Travel Grant" to IAVCEI General Assembly (Canberra): "In recognition of promising contributions in the field of volcanology and chemistry of the Earth's interior"

1986 - 1990 - Multiple awards of conferences of young scientists of the Institute of Volcanology, Russia

Other Professional Activities

Teaching Experience
Supervisor of M.S. projects for students of Yuzno-Sakhalinsk State University, 2004-2006.
Lecturer at �Kamchatka International Volcanological Field School�, Russia

of manuscripts for Geology, Geophysical Research Letters, Bulletin of Volcanology, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,
The Geological Society of America Bulletin, Quaternary International

Published 45 papers in refereed journals and 15 papers in non-refereed journals

Citation indices (according Google Scholar):
Citations: 807, h-index: 15, i10-index: 21.
Since 2011: Citations: 403, h-index: 11, i10-index: 15.

Field experience:

In Russia: more than 30 field seasons, including more than 25 in Kamchatka and Kurile Islands.
January-September 2013 - multiple field works at eruption of Tolbachik volcano.


2013 - Geological framework of geysers in Yellowstone National Park

2009-2012 - reconstruction of volcanic histories of Gede and Krakatau (Indonesia), Mayon and Iriga (Philippines), Popa (Myanmar), reinvestigation of 1951 Lamington eruption(Papua New Guinea)

2008-2009 - reconstruction of volcanic histories of Tatun Volcanic Group (Taiwan).

2001 - 2003 - investigation of giant landslides of Canary Islands (with Thomas Walter, GEOMAR)

2000 - investigation of deposits of the Roque Nublo debris avalanche, Gran Canaria (with H-U. Schmincke, GEOMAR)

1999, 2007 - investigation of recent pyroclastic deposits of Montserrat volcano, Lesser Antilles (with B. Voight, PennState University)

1991, 1996, 2007, 2013 - investigation of pyroclastic deposits of Mount St.Helens volcano , USA (with B. Voight, PennState University and R. Hoblitt, D. Miller, US Geological Survey)

1995 - investigation of Merapi volcano, Indonesia (with B. Voight, PennState University)


CV of Marina Belousova


1994 - Ph.D. Moscow State University, Geology. Thesis:"Deposits of large scale failures of volcanic edifices in the Kurile-Kamchatka region (volcanoes: Shiveluch, Bezymianny, Harimkotan, Avacha, Kamen)".
Supervisor: professor V.T. Frolov

1982 - M.S. Moscow State University, Geology. Specialty: Geological mapping. Thesis: "Quaternary geology of Northern Tyan'-Shan"

Current position

2004 - now - Senior researcher, Institute of Volcanology & Seismology, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia.

Professional experience

November 2009 - March 2012 - Senior Research Fellow, Volcano Group, Earth Observatory of Singapore,

September 2008 - July 2009 - Postdoctoral Fellow, Academia Sinica,Taipei, Taiwan

October - December 2007 & May - June 2009 - Research scholar, School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University

1998 - 1999 - Postdoctoral fellowship, Pennsylvania State University. Advisor: B. Voight

1991 - 2004 - Senior researcher, Kamchatka Volcanic Observatory, Kluchi, Russia

1985 - 1991 - Researcher, Kamchatka Volcanic Observatory, Kluchi, Russia

1982 - 1985 - Engineer, Institute of Nuclear Geophysics, Moscow

Field of research

Physical volcanology, pyroclastic stratigraphy, instability of volcanic edifices, monitoring of volcanic activity


2013 - CRDF (Civilian Research and Development Foundation). Grant to conduct field work in Yellowstone National Park and Mount St Helens.

2012 - 2013 -NSF, "Rapid Response to Ongoing Tolbachik Eruption: constraining heat transfer during lava-snow interactions and constraining magma storage conditions" (in collaboration with Benjamin Edwards, Dickinson College, PA, USA).

2012 - 2013 -NASA, "Volcanic Forcing Effects on Climate and Solid-Earth Systems Using ASTER Data"(in collaboration with Michael Ramsey,University of Pittsburgh, PA).

2006 - 2011 - NSF (National Science Foundation). "United States-Russia-Japan Partnership in Research and Education in Volcanology". (in collaboration with John Eichelberger and Pavel Izbekov ).

2008 - 2010 - French National Research Agency (ANR). "Vitesss: Volcano-induced tsunamis: sedimentary signature and simulations". (in collaboration with Raphael Paris, Universite de Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France).

2007 - 2009 � NSF. �Rapid Decompression of Pressurized Magma and Laterally-Directed Blasts: Determining Required Initial Conditions and Predicting Hazards Using 3D Multi-Phase Numerical Simulations�. (in collaboration with Amanda Clarke, Arizona State University).

2004 - 2005 - National Geographic Society."Direct sampling of volcanic cloud with the goal to determine real grain-size distribution of pyroclastic particles"

2003 - 2005 - Russian Foundation of Basic Research. "Mechanisms of fragmentation of magma, transportation and deposition of pyroclasts during underwater volcanic eruptions".

2003 - 2005 - CRDF (Civilian Research and Development Foundation) "Directed Blast Surge and Debris Avalanche at Bezymianny Volcano (Kamchatka): New Approach Combining Field Investigations and 3D Numerical Modeling" (in collaboration with Barry Voight)

2001 - 2003 - Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. "Large scale failures of Canary Islands".

1999 - 2001 - 1999 - Young investigator program of CRDF (Civilian Research and Development Foundation). "Volcano Collapse Dynamics and Avalanche Shear Zones: The Target of Opportunity in Kamchatka" (in collaboration with Barry Voight)

1996 - 1998 - NSF, Debris avalanche and directed blast deposits of March 30,1956 Bezymianny volcano" (in collaboration with Barry Voight, PennState).

1996 - 1998 - CRDF (Civilian Research and Development Foundation) "Volcano Collapse Dynamics and Avalanche Shear Zones: The Target of Opportunity in Kamchatka" (in collaboration with Barry Voight)

1994 - 1996 - ISF (International Science Foundation) "Explosive eruptions provoked by large scale failure of volcanic edifice."


1996 - present: International Association of Volcanology and Geochemistry of Earth Interior (IAVCEI)

2004 - present: American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Field experience:

In Russia: more than 25 field seasons, including Kamchatka and Kurile Islands
January-September 2013 - multiple field works at eruption of Tolbachik volcano.


2013 - Geological framework of geysers in Yellowstone National Park

2009-2012 - reconstruction of volcanic histories of Gede and Krakatau(Indonesia), Mayon and Iriga (Philippines), Popa (Myanmar), reinvestigation of 1951 Lamington eruption(Papua New Guinea)

2008-2009 - reconstruction of volcanic histories of Tatun Volcanic Group (Taiwan).

2000 - Investigation of the deposits of Roque Nublo debris avalanche, Gran Canaria

1996, 2007, 2013 - Investigation of pyroclastic deposits of Mount St. Helens, USA (with B.Voight, Penn State University and R. Hoblitt, D. Miller, US Geological Survey)

1995 - Investigation of Merapi volcano, Indonesia (with B. Voight, PennState University)