The 1964 eruption of Shiveluch volcano

The 1964 eruption of Shiveluch volcano

Our paper about this eruption

Volcano before the 1964 eruption. Photo by

Volcano after the 1964 eruption. Cloud of steam raises
above the horseshoe-shaped crater. Photo by G.Gorshkov.

Front of the 1964 debris avalanche deposit.

Aerial photo of surface of 1964 debris avalanche.
Front of the avalanche deposit is in the lower part
of the photo. Longitudinal furrows "striate" the
deposit surface.

Hummocky surface of the 1964 debris avalanche
deposit. View from helicopter.

The 1964 debris avalanche hummocks.

Section of the 1964 deposits. Debris avalanche
deposit (base), covered by fine-grained yellow ash
fall deposit of phreatic explosion (middle) and coarse
pumice of plinian eruption (uppermost layer).

Surface of coarse tephra (pumice) deposited
duting plinian stage of the 1964 eruption.