Volcano before the 1964 eruption. Photo by G.Gorshkov. |
Volcano after the 1964 eruption. Cloud of steam raises above the horseshoe-shaped crater. Photo by G.Gorshkov. |
Front of the 1964 debris avalanche deposit. |
Aerial photo of surface of 1964 debris avalanche. Front of the avalanche deposit is in the
lower part of the photo. Longitudinal furrows "striate" the deposit surface. |
Hummocky surface of the 1964 debris avalanche deposit. View from helicopter.
The 1964 debris avalanche hummocks. |
Section of the 1964 deposits. Debris avalanche
deposit (base), covered by fine-grained yellow ash fall deposit of phreatic explosion (middle) and coarse pumice of plinian eruption (uppermost layer).
| Surface of coarse tephra (pumice) deposited duting plinian stage of the 1964 eruption. |