(International Environmental Project Olympiad)



Dear Madam/ Sir,



Environmental problems have become extensive and popular among all the parts of the society in the last three decades.


The sensitivity to the environmental and ecological problems and investigation for the solutions of these problems have become a common idea of the human being.

            The extensive education about the problems of the environment is the basic and primary solution of these environmental problems. For this reason, we started to organize International Environmental Project Olympiad (INEPO) in 1993. Many countries/states participated in this organisation. 8 countries in 1993, 13 countries in 1994, 17 countries in 1995, 20 countries in 1996, 24 countries in 1997, 24 countries in 1998, 24 countries/states in 1999, 21 countries in 2000, 20 countries in 2001, 22 countries in 2002, 20 countries in 2003, 20 countries in 2004, 26 countries in 2005,30 countries in 2006 and 35 countries in 2007.


The countries/states that have participated in INEPO ( are: Albania, Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bashkortostan, Republic of Belarus, Brazil, China, Chuvash Republic, Crimea, Czech Republic, Dagestan, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Hungary, Iraq, Italy, Kenya, Kazakhstan, Portugal, South Africa, South Korea, Kyrgyzhistan, Latvia, Macedonia, Mexico, Moldova, Nahcevan, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic, Tatarstan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Turkiye, Turkmenistan, Thailand, Canada, Ukraine, USA, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.

            We invite the students of your country/state as participants to 16th INEPO which will be held on 01 - 04 June 2008. We'll be glad to see you and your students during the World Environmental Project Olympiad in a historical and touristic city, Istanbul-Turkey.


We are looking forward to hear from you soon.





Dr. Mustafa PETEK

General Coordinator of INEPO







1. Rules of 16th INEPO


Contact Person: Ali Rıza Atasoy

E-Mail: [email protected]



Rules of 16th INEPO




1. The application must be made by the Ministry of Education of each country or by the appropriate associations, affiliated organisations.


2. Competitors must be aged between 13-19. The olympiad is open to students of all nationalities.


3. A maximum of two projects from each INEPO affiliated organisation/state/country may attend this competition. Each project can be represented by a maximum of two students.


4. Projects will be selected as finalists for INEPO, through competitions held by INEPO affiliated organisation/state/country.


5. Each INEPO affiliated organisation/ state/country will participate in the jury committee by one jury member. The jury member must have an academic career or must be a member of a university education board.



The competition will be held on June 01 - 04, 2008.


All projects will be sent via internet until April 20, 2008.


Finalist projects will be announced on May 01, 2008.


All competitors, jury members and coordinators who have attended the competition will be given "ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATE”s.



Beginning of Application:                                         February 15, 2008


Application Deadline:                                               April 20 ,2008


Announcement of Finalist Project:                           May 01 , 2008


Competition:                                                              June 01 – 04 , 2008





1. The evaluation will be made by the jury, so the jury members should have a good command of English.


2. The jury members will ask students questions during the exhibition and evaluate their answers together in their reports.


3. The jury members will not evaluate the projects of their own country. They will evaluate the projects of other INEPO affiliated organisations/states/countries.


4. The projects will be evaluated mainly according to the Originality of the Project, Quality of Science, Scientific Thought, Clarity and Thoroughness and the skill of the students.



The following should be judged:


How well that student understands the Project.

How well the student followed the scientific method.

The detail and accuracy of research as documented.

Whether experimental procedures were used in the best possible way.

A project should involve laboratory, field or theoretical work and not just literature and internet survey.

A project should neither be upgraded nor downgraded because it has been done in a professional laboratory.



Exhibits/projects are judged on the following basis:


Originality (20 pts),

Does the Project show originality in:

-the questions asked?

-the approach to solving the problem?

-the analysis of the data?

-the interpretation of the data?

-the use of equipment?

Scientific Thought (30 pts),


• Is the problem stated clearly?

• Is there a procedural plan for obtaining a solution?

• Are the variables clearly recognized and defined?

• If controls were necessary, was there a recognition of their need and were they    correctly used?

• Are they within the scope of the original aims?

• How completely has the problem been covered in the project.

• Is the student aware of other approaches or theories concerning the project?

• Was adequate time spent on the project?

• Is the student familiar with the scientific literature in the field in which the work was    done?

Clarity and Thoroughness (30 pts.)


• How clearly does the finalist discuss his/her project and explain the purpose, procedure, and conclusions? Watch out for memorized speeches that reflect little understanding of principles.

• Does the written material reflect the finalist’s or team’s understanding of the research?

• Does the student have a Project Data Book?

• Are the important phases of the project presented in an orderly manner?

• How clearly is the data presented?

• How clearly are the results presented?

• How well does the project display explain the project?

Skill (20 pts.)


• Does the student have the skills required to do all the work necessary to obtain the data which support the project? Laboratory skills? Computational skills? Observational skills? Design skills? Presentation skills.


• Jury members should not evaluate any projects from their own countries.

• Each project should be evaluated for 10 minutes.

• Results are confidential until announced at the awards ceremony.

*16th INEPO is an INTEL-ISEF AFFILIATED FAIR, 16th INEPO has its own methodology for judging projects based on universal criteria mostly emphasized by INTEL-ISEF.





1. The language of the competition is English, so all competitors should have a good command of English.


2. There is no page limit on the project reports that will be sent. At the end of the report there must be photographs about the project.


3. The stands for the exhibition will be provided by the INEPO Coordination Center. Measurements of the stand: (Header Part: 125x25 cm) (The body part: 125x100 cm) (The table part: 125x35 cm)


4. During the exhibition everything necessary for exhibiting the project will be provided by the Coordination Center. The materials of the project will be brought by the competitors.


5. All of the phases of the projects must conform with International Scientific Rules and the project owners will take the full responsibility.