Гольдшмидтская Конференция 2007 Уважаемые
коллеги! Мы
бы хотели обратить ваше внимание на наш симпозиум «Магматическая
дифференциация в зонах субдукции» (тема №7, Симпозиум S46).
Симпозиум будет проводиться в ходе Гольдшмидтской
Конференции 2007, с 19 по 24 августа 2007
в, Кёльне. Председатели: Джон Гэмбл ([email protected]) Ральф Гертиссер ([email protected]) Валентин Тролл ([email protected]) Dear
Colleagues, We
would like to draw your attention to our symposium "Magmatic
differentiation in subduction zones" (Theme 7, Symposium S46) at the
2007 Goldschmidt meeting in Cologne in August. It looks to be a very
promising session and we hope to see you all there. S46 Magmatic differentiation in subduction zones Conveners: John
Gamble ([email protected]) Ralf
Gertisser ([email protected]) Valentin
Troll ([email protected]) Magmas
provide one of the most important probes of the interior of the Earth.
Chemical information locked in plutonic or volcanic rocks can, in principle,
be used to ascertain the compositions of the source from which the magma was
originally formed and to unravel the physical conditions of melt generation.
However, in all but a few cases, the compositions of magmas change as they
ascend through the lithosphere in response to differentiation processes such
as fractional crystallisation, decompression, crustal contamination and
mixing and mingling with other magmas. Recognising that the melt phase and
crystalline cargo in volcanic rocks (eg phenocryst assemblage in andesites)
represent an aggregate of these multistage differentiation events, we can
apply, modern in-situ trace element and isotopic analytical techniques to
unravel the differentiation history of plutons and volcanoes. This not only
gives us a means of accounting for the effects of differentiation and
constraining the nature of the original magma source(s), but also gives us a
way of quantifying these processes and associated elemental fluxes in
subduction systems. This session seeks to bring together researchers that aim
to unravel differentiation processes in subduction settings by applying
methodologies such as crystal isotope stratigraphy, classical and
experimental petrology, geochronology and geochemistry to quantify
contributions from the slab, the mantle wedge and from magma-crust
interaction during final ascent and shallow-level magma storage. |