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Перечень работ  по Курильскому озеру.


  Ponomareva VV, Kyle PR, Melekestsev IV, Rinkleff PG, Dirksen OV, Sulerzhitsky LD, Zaretskaia NE, and Rourke R (2004) The 7600 (14C) year BP Kurile Lake caldera-forming eruption, Kamchatka, Russia: stratigraphy and field relationships. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 136: 199.222

  Zaretskaia NE, Ponomareva VV, Sulerzhitsky LD, and Dirksen OV (2001) Radiocarbon dating of the Kurile Lake caldera eruption (South Kamchatka, Russia) Geochronometria 20: 95-102    .pdf

Bondarenko, V.I., 1991. Seismic reflection profiling in Lake Kurilskoe. Volcanol. Seismol., 12 (4): 533-548.   .pdf