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HR: 0830h AN: T41C-0879 TI: Trace Element Features of
Subduction-Related Metasomatism from Ultramafic Xenoliths of the Kamchatka
arc AU: * Yogodzinski, G M EM: [email protected] AF: Department of
Geological Sciences, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29209
United States AU: Churikova, T EM:
[email protected] AF: Institute
of Volcanic Geology and Geochemistry, Piip Avenue 9
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russian Federation AU: Koloskov, A V EM: [email protected] AF: Institute of
Volcanic Geology and Geochemistry, Piip Avenue 9 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky,
Russian Federation AU: Roth, J EM:
[email protected] AF: Department
of Geology, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA 17013 United States
AB: Ultramafic xenoliths from Shiveluch and
Kharchinsky volcanoes in Kamchatka appear to provide a unique opportunity
to directly observe the effects of subduction-related metasomatism on
depleted mantle peridotite. At Shiveluch Volcano, the common xenolith type
is a tectonized dunite that contains abundant kink-banded olivine and
displays textural variation from protogranular to porphyroclastic and
mosaic equigranular. These xenoliths are cut by millimeter-scale veins and
are invaded by irregular spots of metasomatic pyroxene and phlogopite (+/-
trace amphibole). At nearby Kharchinsky Volcano, the hydrous, metasomatic
mineral in the deformed dunite xenoliths is amphibole. All samples are
enriched in the light rare-earth elements (REE), with La/Yb from 1.80 to
14.8-times chondritic. Samples with low REE concentrations have
concave-upward heavy REE patterns (low Dy/Yb), similar to published data
on harzburgite and dunite xenoliths interpreted to be the highly depleted
residue left after fractional melting. The most strongly metasomatized
xenoliths (based on phlogopite abundance) have relatively high
concentrations of incompatible elements and light REE-enriched patterns
similar to those in common volcanic rocks from oceanic arcs (e.g.,
La/Yb=3.5 with Dy/Yb=2.1). Trace element ratios such as Ba/La, Th/La and
Ba/Th are widely variable in the xenoliths (e.g., Ba/La=5-100), but most
samples fall within the range of common arc rocks (Ba/La= 25-50;
Th/La=0.08-0.14; Ba/Th = 250-500). In contrast, relative Sr concentrations
in the xenoliths are low (e.g., Sr/Nd=5-21) compared to common arc rocks
(Sr/Nd = 20-60). Most of the preliminary trace element data thus appear to
support recently reported 3He/4He and CO2/He observations (N. Basu et al.,
2001, GSA annual meeting) which point toward subduction-related fluids as
the likely metasomatic agent in the dunite xenoliths from Shiveluch and
Kharchinsky volcanoes, Kamchatka. DE: 1025
Composition of the mantle DE: 1065 Trace elements
(3670) DE: 1749 Volcanology, geochemistry, and
petrology SC: T MN: 2001
AGU Fall Meeting